I had an Idea
Slow motion exploding beer commercial spec spot I did illustrating "How stout is Stout !"
Shout out to 4:4:4 Camera and Electric Light & Power for help with this piece.
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Low Boy Dresser Build
Low boy dresser, you know for my wife’s frilly things. This is the companion piece to a previous build which was a high boy dresser.
Help support my crazy endeavors and…
Slit Scan Update - I just couldn't help myself.
In my previous post I outlined how I did a slit scan effect manually, just to work out how it was done, and how it works, and I just couldn’t leave it alone, so I automated it. In this video I outline how I added automation to the slit scan rig, there is also some updated footage shot with the new rig.
Help support my crazy endeavors and…
Slit Scan Effect
2001 A Space Odyssey - who doesn’t remember the mind bending “Stargate” effect from that movie, this movie plus many more fired up my imagination as a kid, I wanted to see if I could achieve this effect with little to no technology. This is a small example along with a quick behind the scenes explanation of how I did it. Enjoy.
Help support my crazy endeavors and…
Dallas CASA
Earlier this year I had opportunity to. shoot this piece for Dallas CASA. This is one of those times when it really does your soul good to have used your talents, and in your chosen field, to do some real good.
Dallas CASA has launched a new training curriculum focused on effective advocacy for children in foster care who have been trafficked or are at high risk of being sexually exploited. The new training curriculum, developed in partnership with the LA-based nonprofit Saving Innocence, includes 46 online videos as well as companion guides for live training sessions.
Smirl Chapel Relocation Project
I was hired to shoot a promotional piece to help fund the teardown, the moving and relocation, and restoration of a 120 year old chapel in Heath, Texas. This is an Update to the earlier piece, the project moved ahead and the chapel has been relocated, this video adds to the previous one showcasing the hard work and dedication of those involved, additionally it showcases the moving of the structure itself, and becomes a document to the entire project.
James Avery Mothers Day Charm Event ..... 2019
Last year we had the opportunity to create four :15 second spots for Texas based James Avery Artisan Jewelry, celebrating mothers day. We produced the spots using stop motion animation which featured their Necklaces, Bracelets and most importantly their Charms. This year they came back to us at ATKPLN to do four more mother’s day spots! So I am are excited to share this news now. Here are a couple of the spots along with a Behind the scenes look at how we did them. These are so much fun to put together and do, stop motion is a favorite medium I like to work in. It works really well for these spots, as it is hand crafted and singular, it speaks to the artisanal quality of their jewelry, which is hand crafted by their artists.
Enjoy !
Here is the behind the scenes for this years ( 2019 ) shoot of the James Avery Mothers Day Charm event.
Latest Short film " We're not old, just antiquated..."
Here is my latest short film, released just in time for “National Live Creative Day” written by Judy Caudle, shot and directed by me, audio voices and finished with the help of ATKPLN. Aging cameras find themselves confronted with new technology that may just hold their own fate in its hands, but can they resist it? Teaser is here from ATKPLN twitter feed.
Another small update, we are an…
Sacramento International Film Festival is happening April 27th - May 5th 2019
Update this film is now an Official Selection & Semi-finalist in the Austin Spotlight Film Festival! Happening November 14, 2018. at the Alamo Draft-house in Austin.
HooYay! Whoop! Whoop! We just won an online bronze award from the International Independent Film Awards festival. Hope we can garner some more wins from the other festivals its in.
The Smirl chapel relocation project
I just finished a new video project. I was approached from a friend who got involved as a photographer on a special project, he was to photograph, document and archive, the teardown, the moving and relocation, and restoration of a 120 year old chapel in Heath, Texas. Most of you will recognize Rockwall, Texas. Heath is just south of there. He was to be the still Photographer of note as it were. The people who he was working for however were on the very beginning of this whole project, which was going to be a bit expensive to undertake. So they hired me, at his recommendation, to produce a short film to promote the project and help to get the word out and raise money to accomplish this task. I interviewed, shot, edited and finished two cuts for them, a six minute piece with the backstory and history of this chapel, and what it meant to the people who had called it theirs for so long. I also did a one minute cutdown piece for social media. So....
So if you so inclined, go to The Smirl Chapel Relocation Project and find out more about this project.
War of the Worlds "Dallas" or SciFi Dallas
"War of the Worlds" 1953 is one of my all time favorite movies, and the 2005 version is not too shabby either. Many of you who, may or may not follow my flickr photo stream, (if you don't you should) will know is that one of my projects is photographing toys in an appropriate environment. So for my latest photographic endeavor I decided to build some "War of the Worlds" models and photograph them in and around iconic Dallas locations, another of my favorite subjects. So what if the Martian war machines rolled through our city......
These models were photographed in situ, at the time of capture, that is to say at the same time as the locations, it is a forced perspective trick that has been in use for many many years. This was a factor that I was unwilling to compromise on. This way the light is correct, thats the single most important thing for work like this.
A fair number of people who have seen these, asked where I got the images of the war machines, suspecting that I found them on the web and just photoshopped them in to existing pictures or built and rendered them in a 3D application, like Maya or Softimage. Nope.
I shot two sometimes three images, one for the Model in place on a stand and then move the model out of the shot and shoot a "clean" BG plate, and occasionally shoot a smaller model or move the model and shoot that as well. Once I had the images I removed whatever was holding the model via photoshop and using the "clean" BG plate to aid in cleanup then add smoke, fire, debris etc. I wanted a considered approach. I wanted to travel around a look through the lens and see the model in the frame, at the location and see if it told a story or had impact, not to mention just basic line up. This was for me a much more fun way to do this. I have made prints of these 18"x24" and hope to do something interesting with them soon. If your interested in a print let me know. lyn.caudle@gmail.com
Above I said I hoped to do something with these images soon, well soon is now, I have 4 of the 18"x24" prints in the summer salon show at Kettle Art, in the heart of Deep Ellum for the next few weeks, the rest of the series of larger prints are currently at the Get Reel Goods store on Elm in Deep Ellum. I also have smaller 8"x10" ish prints available at Makers Connect in East Dallas. So send all your Sci FI Dallas Art loving friends and family to these places and check it all out.
War of the Worlds Dallas - On Flickr
Below are a couple of progressions as an example of how these came together.
The Models under construction in my shop.
Here you can see the "BG" image then the model with its support, and then the final image.
Here you can see the "BG" image then the model with its support, and then the final image.
Here you can see the "BG" image then the model with its support, and then the final image.
This series has been recently published on the DIY Photography and Faith is Torment websites, thanks tons to those guys and gals for posting this.
Fell free to comment and tell me what you think of the series.